Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Maybe it's time

Maybe it's time for a new post. I typed in what I thought was my blog address and really it belonged to someone else! I really have a lot of random thoughts going through my head, so I'm just going to list them out and maybe expound on them at some later date.

- I'm reading this awesome book called Vital Friends. I highly recommend it.
- My whole world is changing. Do you ever feel like things are pretty much going to stay a certain way for a while, and then all of a sudden, everything is different?
- Is anyone else as perplexed as I am about how AT&T changed to Cingular and is now changing back to AT&T?
- I'm running a 5k this weekend. Should be fun.
- I'm going to NY twice in October. Should be fun.
- I really love The Office. It may be my current favorite TV show.

I think I just remembered why I hardly ever post anything. It's because this stinking post has taken me almost an hour to type and it's really not that long.

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