Saturday, August 16, 2008

Baseball Trip

The promotion that night was being able to go out on the field and take pictures
of players as they walked around. I have no idea who these guys are.

Well, I'm finally a part of the baseball group. For a few years now, my dad, brother, and some of Andy's friends have gone to baseball parks around the country. They kept telling me I couldn't go on the "guy trip," but I'm Daddy's favorite, so he invited me to come with them. This year we went to St. Louis to see a Cardinal's game (and to see Andy and Lisa). It was so much fun, and the stadium was really nice! Next trip - Beth and Dad only to see Yankee's Stadium in Sept. Can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Scott Fam Dam said...

Sounds fun Beth! Hey congrats on being Aunt Bai Se now! What wonderful news!